Anonymous 08/13/2019 (Tue) 10:39:14 No.6162 del
You're a long way from home.

Moloch is the personification of the rat-race - the drive to undercut your opponents, to debase yourself in exchange for victory. Moloch is calculated betrayal, temple prostitution, ethnic cleansing, insider trading, mass extinction, nature red in tooth and claw. His symbol is the brass head of a bull, red-hot, caked with the carbonised flesh of children.

Moloch has many names. In his destroyer aspect he is known as GNON, all consuming, many-armed, sightless and mindless. Gnon has no symbol - he merely is.

Some pray to the two-faced Goddess ELUA, bearer of the cosmic scales. She sits at the end of time, weighing and re-weighing. In her left hand, CANCER; in her right, EVERYTHING ELSE. Her symbol is the crab. Elua is generous and kind; she is said to have given us agriculture, penicillin, and the Gatling gun.