Anonymous 08/13/2019 (Tue) 10:44:46 No.6181 del
(21.23 KB 337x337 EnlightenedWarrior.jpg)
>If you spoke to me in person this way, I would break your arm. I’m from a warrior culture. We have extracted respect from our enemies at the point of a sword for a thousand years, and are feared the world over by those who have had the misfortune to cross us. Go on. Purge the rest of your disgusting filth here, where we can all see it. And hope you are never stupid enough to say this to my face, because I will not be amused.

>Back off, back down, and show some fucking respect — or, in time, that respect will be extracted, as with all things, at the point of a sword. And for the people saying “internet tough guy”, no, I’m pretty fucking tough in person — 20 years of martial arts starting at 8, and I can casually bounce around Krav Maga instructors 20 years my junior, and have done in the last year or so. I don’t think much of a four-on-one face off against untrained opponents, and backed down one such group who tried to harass me on the street last year.