Cuckoo Clock 08/13/2019 (Tue) 12:02:29 No.6420 del
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The current ideological push strongly reinforces the competitive mode of male sexual behavior - the normalization of mainstream non-monogamy is accompanied with the domination of online dating (driven by lookism), as well as bullying low-status men under the guise of opposing privilege or toxicity. The public tends to think that incels are a tiny fraction of ugly and violent basement-dwellers, whereas the inceldom is on the rapid rise and will set a tone for the social affairs (pic rel).

> People who engage in it already have lower than typical sexual jealousy and are conscious of it.

Yes, but then there's gaslighting ("your emotions - your problem") and destabilizing the monogamish social contract for the jealous majority.

> This is orders of magnitude less of a problem than in the past, assuming everyone gets tested regularly.

Many poly people are low-inhibition/less conscientious and don't test regularly, then there are good reasons to be STI-averse in the age of antibiotic resistance. All in all, more STIs are one of many downsides.

> And don't forget that there's no reason for evolution to align with morality, and that people are not fitness maximizers but adaptation executors.

I mention evolutionary psychology as a discipline shedding light on the complexity of human behavior. My consensus morality is the prosperous present and future of humanity, and this includes ensuring that as many people as possible meet their fundamental needs related to closeness, intimacy and security in a thriving, stable society.


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