Anonymous 08/13/2019 (Tue) 12:02:45 No.6421 del
>2) being interesting, rich and good-looking, they should easily find attractive and faithful spouses. Many of them don't live in the Bay Area, and even in the Bay Area you can occasionally meet secular but sort-of-traditional women.
The third reason still applies to them. They also might have difficulty meeting or connecting with women who are not part of their social sphere, so polyamory is either preferable to a normie gf or just the path of least resistance. Scott, for example, likely has pretty high social status among rationalists and adjacents (perhaps also among other shrinks who've heard of his blog), with only "well, he's a doctor, that has to count for something" going for him outside of that group.

Also, just like with the free love thing back in the sixties, some men are just libertines so they don't mind open relationships if they are fairly successful at attracting women.