Anonymous 08/13/2019 (Tue) 12:28:10 No.6505 del

> stupid and evil

just admit it already that the only problem you have with female choice is simply just that it never falls on you, for some oh-so-mysterious reason ( which is not what you think and btw, hint: )

> pics related

okay, real talk: the "hot stacies who fuck chads"? in the US? they're poor, overweight, and overwhelmingly black. You wouldn't give the time of day to the kind of women that low-class or soon-to-be low-class chads fuck so much they get five kids all from different dudes. (And if you're delusional enough to think you'd be okay with a trad wife from a massively different background, go to Malaysia already and buy+marry yourself a muslim virgin. If you don't have $10k you're too poor to get married anyway, let alone have kids)

You don't get hot cis chicks in your bubble because there are no hot cis chicks in your bubble. Go take a yoga class. Or, in university, sign up for shrinkery or pediatriciannery instead of computorz.