Anonymous 08/13/2019 (Tue) 12:48:38 No.6565 del
Come on. As >>6559 says, it's pretty obvious how rape/non-consensual sex fits cleanly into the worldview of the characters.

Honestly I think it was actually *too* obvious; the non-consensual sex legalization thing wasn't *that* weird. I can certainly imagine arguments why it's fine and good. (analogies to non-consensual tickling, say) If he really wanted to show the weirdness of the future, for me it would have worked better if he had done something even more unsettling and with less explanation. Like, just for example, the death jockeys in Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect.

But again, even if you're too stupid to understand how non-consensual sex fits into the worldview of the TWC people, that shouldn't even matter: The point of that story element was to show that the future is weird, not to, like, argue that rape should be legalized. A "more fitting fetish" would be less weird and thus fail at the purpose of making the crew seem strange and alien to us. Being "out of place" for Star Trek is the point, being unsettling and uncomfortable is the point.