Anonymous 08/13/2019 (Tue) 12:53:48 No.6582 del
There is so much wrong with this, it's hard to know how to respond. I'll go easy on you.

>Once you have taken the redpill and realized how stupid and evil women's mating preferences really are (the hypergamy, the hybristophilia, the serial monogamy, the attraction to dark triad traits, the fact that five minutes of alpha is worth five years of beta… basically everything Scott admitted was in "Radicalizing the Romanceless" []) there really are only three coherent responses.

>So, Scott's problem is he an insecure loser who overthinks his way out of everything, instead of looking at his own flaws. You're using concepts and applying them to all your own experiences of women way out of wack, probably because you're a loser too. Every guy like you so obsessed with this shit is a fucking loser.

>This is where we are now. And, predictably, birth rates are collapsing, more and more men are giving up on hard work in favor of playing video games and smoking pot in mom's basement, and women who are holding chad thundercock's baby in one arm and can't get a date are left wondering "Where have all the good men gone?" Basic income shills are basically trying to push this even harder, stealing from anybody who is even minimally tax-positive and redistributing it to thots and chads so they can fuck away their lives on our dime (no wonder Scott the cuck supports it).

>This seems to be unstable as well, if only on the societal level; at this rate, it is only a matter of time until our societies weaken enough that Arabs conquer us (indeed, they are already conquering Western Europe), at which point we will be back to patriarchy.

There is so much wrong with this it would actually be harmful to try correcting any of it. That would validate the idea you shouldn't be shamed. That's because you're clearly obsessed with your own virility, and can't handle the fact society doesn't validate you as a man the way you want. That's nothing to do with being a man. That's just you being a crazy, self-absorbed wimp. You're obviously full of shit, it would take too long to even insult you as much as you deserve.

I'll leave it as saying that what needs to be done is that you need to shut up and live your life differently. Then, when you're the kind of person who can do your own part for society, and you're enough of a real boy that anyone would respect you, you can talk about how people might vote differently to change society, like a normal person.I'm sure you think democracy is incorrigible, and it's all doom and gloom, and some kind of strongman needs to stage a coup. It would take too long to go over why all the ways you'd want that to go suck as well, so I'll leave it as pointing out what needs to be done is for you to go fuck yourself.