Anonymous 08/13/2019 (Tue) 13:03:33 No.6609 del
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Okay anons, listen up, cuz I'm only gonna explain this once.

What's the most important word in the goddamn English language? If you answered "hypergamy" then congratulations, you're not a fucking bluepill. Everybody else better look up their old schools right now and ask for a refund because they didn't learn shit. This is fucking birds and bees kindergarten shit. You guys make a lot of sperm which you can spew after about a minute of effort, goddamn bunch of limpdicked quickshots. Bitches have to devote over 9 MONTHS to making a baby. So a man can have a basically unlimited number of children as long as he can find new women to keep on mating, while females have a very real limit on the number of fatherless bastards they can push out of their used up cunts before their uteruses dry out and they hang around for another 40 years waiting to die of old age. With me so far?

So the ideal male strategy is to impregnate as many females as possible. No shit. We all knew that already; that's why it is every guy's dream to score a threesome at least once in his life, and that's why lesbians are hot while fags are just fucking disgusting. Okay, so we all know this part; so far so good.

The part that most of us DON'T know about is the other half. The ideal female strategy. It consists of always finding the "best" male at any given moment. What's "best"? "Best" can take many form. Bitches love muscles, money, age, height, extroversion, power, and status. High quantities of any of this shit is like fucking viagra to them. But another thing they love is attractiveness. "But anon," you ask, "how can you be attracted to attractiveness itself?" Well, Timmy, I know it can be hard to grasp how truly fucked up the female mind is, but you've gotta stop drooling on the floor for a minute and make a fucking try. Are we clear? Good little retard!

See, there's this thing here called "pre-selection," which basically means that bitches are attracted to men that other females find attractive. Why? Because if this alpha guy is pulling all the bitches in this easily, then any son of his is ALSO gonna be scoring chicks like there is no tomorrow, spreading her genes even wider than she spreads her legs for alpha cock. This ties back to what we covered already; one male can service hundreds of females, but one female cannot have children by more than a handful of males. So bitches love to share, and seeing how attractive "their" guy is to other females gets them wetter than a nigger at a Popeye's opening day.