Anonymous 08/13/2019 (Tue) 13:04:20 No.6611 del
If you wrote this anon, you should make a blog where you retell the sequences.

>A lot of men who get this far think that the answer is to teach everybody "game" and that as long as we can all be masterful PUAs, we can keep our bitches in line. This doesn't work because hypergamy is RELATIVE. It doesn't fucking MATTER how rich you are in absolute terms, if you own your own house and car while a middle age peasant barely owned his shit-stained underwear.
Women are adaptation executors, not fitness maximizers. It makes sense that they perceive social status as relative because it is. That does not mean women's perception of men's smooth moves/dominance/personality/call it what you will is also zero-sum, or that status is important compared to personality. Teaching men game would almost certainly be positive-sum and eliminate a large percentage of incels. Another way to say it is that status seems to be something like 95% relative (the remainder is not living in a way that provokes an immediate disgust reaction, like being smeared with shit), but perceived smoothness/dominance/interestingness is only 30%-70% relative.