Welcome to /revolt/ - Rules and Purpose Anonymous 01/05/2016 (Tue) 20:28:44 Id: f7eb63 No. 1 del
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Welcome to /revolt/

I like to keep rules really simple, so
1. No spam
2. Nothing illegal
3. dox will be dealt with on a case by case basis

Maintain OpSec. I won't delete much, so if you post that you later regret, there's no take backs.

Western civilization is under attack by the media, corporations, our own governments, and foreign invaders that our governments allow into our countries. When our elected officials fail to do anything about this, and they side with those who pay them, it is up to the citizens to take a stand.
This board is a free speech board where everyone is allowed to speak. With freedom of speech comes the understanding that there will be others with opinions that you do not like. This is not a safe space, there will be people who say things that you don't like.
If there's a compelling reason to delete dox, i.e. addresses of gun owners or political opponents, it will be deleted. This goes both ways, if you are posting someone's dox, there should be compelling reason why it should be allowed, so no posting of a name and address with the message, "have fun."
That being said, my role on this board will mostly be to clean up the spam and anything illegal. I will not use the BO tag, and will simply remain anonymous. Post whatever you feel is relevant. If you feel something is irrelevant, ignore it and post what you would like to see.

Have fun, and enjoy the ride.

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Edited last time by HeadJanitor on 01/14/2017 (Sat) 07:21:27.