Anonymous 06/07/2022 (Tue) 12:26:29 No.18560 del
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If it's about serving the jew world order then why are the kosher far right and far left (Kissinger/Chomsky) suddenly in lock-step agreement that Russia did nothing wrong and Ukraine should surrender clay and accept the Russian boot? Why did Russian oligarchs flee to Israel?
I know there's global fuckery going on and there are no innocent players here, but I don't think your assessment is accurate. CIA knew Russia was going to invade even as Kremlin mocked USA for paranoia. Putin was warned by CIA many times not to invade. Why would they try to stop him if war was all part of the plan?
Putin has cancer and is dying. This is his last military adventure and he's going for it to secure his legacy. He gave billions to FSB for years to bribe Ukrainian officials, but they pocketed the money instead because there is systemic corrupt in Russia that even Putin can't stop or control. He honestly thought Ukraine was going to just lay down and surrender because of the bribes but he was backstabbed by FSB and now he's in damage control mode trying to create an exit strategy that gives Russia a little more clay so he can claim victory and bring his troops home. France is already anxious about Russia's "humiliation" and wants Ukraine to basically negotiate a surrender. Kissinger, Chomsky, and Biden are all pressuring Ukraine to give up land for peace to help keep Putin in power and avoid a total collapse of the Russian state.
The jew world order is global and united. They don't want Russia to collapse, quite the opposite. They want to maintain the status quo because the status quo serves the elites. They don't need to create a fake war to create a checkpoint society, we're already living in one. They've already succeeded with everything they've wanted to do. Putin supports globohomo. All his kids and Medvedev's kids live in the West. I think Shoygu's do too. All their investments are in the West. They just attack the West in public as fodder for domestic consumption to rationalize the mass poverty of the people in Russia and also their lack of rights and freedoms. They western boogeyman serves the Russian elites just as the Russian boogeman serves the Western elites. They play the same game on both sides because they are united behind the scenes.
Aryan nationalists don't give a fuck about globohomo, we just want to help our people reclaim their lands and to live in a healthy, free, prosperous and happy society. Jews are the main obstacle as they are the driving force behind globohomo and leftist ideology. They are also the main drivers and advocates of immigration, nigger worship, consumerism and LGBTQ/tranny shit. Dugin is their lapdog in that regard, btw. He gives different messages to different audiences, but he's basically a commie at heart and a closeted faggot.
World War 2 never ended. We are still fighting against the commies and the jews. We need Aryans to recognize this and work together to defeat them and to reclaim our European identity and cultures. Aryans of Russia should support their brothers in Ukraine. Defeating Putin helps Aryans worldwide. It will be the spark to ignite the next wave of political action in Europe and, hopefully, in North America too.
