Anonymous 05/02/2021 (Sun) 19:21:19 No.252 del
Non-slavic genes in Slavic population: Helpful and harmful genetic impurities in our genome

In order to compare pros and cons of various non-slavic genetic impurities on our genome, we must first examine what are the impurities and where they came from. And it's not just a matter of "where" but also "when" since Slavs have mixed with different people groups at different times. I think we can safely say that Slavs had different genetic add-mixtures at different times of their existence and that separates us into four different categories, which are:

1. Proto-Slavs
2. Early Slavs
3. Medieval Slavs (Wends)
4. Modern Slavs

We need to talk a little bit of history now.

Nobody knows where exactly did Slavs come from. Many believe that they came to Europe from Asia or the Caucasus. We know one thing for sure though: When they have first settled in Europe it was in the area of today's Belarus. Those were the Proto-Slavs. We know very little about them. They were probably genetically vastly different from the modern day Slavs. Then around the 7th century they started to spread from the Belarus area into the whole Eastern Europe. In every place they settled, they mixed with the non-slavic population that has already been living there. We don't know for sure what kind of people groups were these tribes (that got mixed into the Slavic population) made of. They could be Celtic or who knows what. The population of Eastern Europe at that time is not very well known. But the mixing did happen and thus the Early Slavs have been born. Every time you hear someone talk about "old Slavic tribes", they actually refer to these already mixed Early Slavs, not the original Proto-Slavs. Those are lost to time.

Early Slavs were a very simple people, mostly farmers that lived in small tribes all the way from the river Elbe to the Ural mountains. They didn't create any kind of Empire or even a state of sorts. They were also known to have a very submissive attitude towards invaders and conquerors. I believe that the submissive tendencies of a certain part of the modern Slavic population comes from being genetically too close to the Early Slavs. There are many stories about how Early Slavs let Avar invaders to sleep with their women and didn't do anything about it. But that's a good thing, because these kind of acts between Slavic women and Avar men gave rise to the Slavic race as we know it today. Children born from this mixing between Avar men and Slavic women were called "Wends". And in time these "Wends" have become the majority of the Slavic population. That's why Medieval Slavs and Modern Slavs should actually be called "Wends" instead of Slavs, since a great part of the population has as much Avar blood as Slavic blood. Actually in Germany they still use the term "Wends" for their Slavic neighbors to this day. And this is where all the strong and dominant individuals among Slavs come from. It's all people with strong Wendish / Avar genetic admixture.

All the Slavic nations that have established Kingdoms and Duchies in the middle ages were actually Wendish nations and were lead by strong Wendish leaders. And this is where we could stop... except we can't. "Is there a difference between medieval Wendish Slavs and the modern day Slavs?" you may ask... and the answer is: It depends on specific location. In some areas these Wendish Slavs remained almost unchanged till the modern times. Those are what I like to call "pure areas" and include Poland, Belarus, and northern Russia. In different areas the story is completely different however and in many places Slavs went through a period of rapid genetic dilution, sometimes even close to be diluted out of the genome completely into extinction. In my own country (Czechia) the situation is critical but not completely lost. It's true that according to a recent genetic study about 5O% of the population here has dominant Germanic R1b haplogroup. But the other half is still here to balance things out with our strong R1a Slavic-Wendish haplogroup. We should still do something abo