Anonymous 05/31/2021 (Mon) 22:55:49 No.254 del
The fundamental principles and philosophical foundations of National Bolshevism

Economic axis:
We believe that there should be absolute economic equality among people of the same race. Hierarchies can still exists, but only natural hierarchies. Economic hierarchy is unnatural system created by degenerate materialist races (Jews and Germans). All Slavic people work equally hard. Nobody in the world works harder than Slavs. And only Gypsies and Jews don't work at all (those should be dealt with). So we don't see any reason for income divide.

Cultural axis:
Tradition is necessary to preserve race. Race without identity dies and there is no identity without culture. Culture is what links us to the past, what binds us to our ancestors who gave their lives to protect our race.

Governmental axis:
Totalitarian system of power is the only system that is capable to preserve our race. Freedom allows hostile forces (Germans and Jews) to spread harmful ideas among our population. This should not be allowed.

Collectivism vs. Individualism axis:
We strongly believe in collectivism. Our nations have been built upon collectivist principles. Our race always had collectivist values which is what allowed it to survive even the most terrible situations. Individualism is a Western lie created to weaken the nations that fall for it. Individualism weakens and erodes the race and leads directly to its downfall and destruction.

Violence axis:
It would be naive to think that our goal of race preservation can be accomplished without violence, especially since our enemies are prepared to use extreme violence against us. They already used extreme violence against us in the past, so it is time for some reciprocity principle I think.

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