Splodemous 10/04/2019 (Fri) 15:44:37 No.43 del
U'we witewawwy da definition of da most toxic weftist extwemist imaginabwe. How such a defowmed wooking mutt wike u got a giww to wike u ish beyond me. To top it aww off, u have da wowst possibwe pewsonawity am evew going to see in a human being. Not onwy do u use da most genewic weftist insuwts imaginabwe that awe witewawwy memes by now but u can't even have a gud awgument point because youw bwain has a howe in it with a depth even deepew than any bwack howe in dis univewse imaginabwe. Heckers u fow betwaying us and me hope u get waped by a twanny. Am suwe u'ww wike it too.hewwo ish anybowdy thewe??