Anonymous 02/06/2016 (Sat) 21:28:40 No. 17 del
>This whole exodus ordeal has made appreciate small imageboards

Same, it feels like imageboards are thriving much more now than when there was no 8chan around or 8chan was just getting started to be used after the exodus from 4chan, and quickly surpassed the usage of several long established chans like 420chan, 7chan, 99chan, etc.

I do like the idea of imageboards continuing to grow at steady rates, with niche chans of only a few boards sustaining a dedicated community, imageboards are superior to forums in every way in my opinion, even if many do not have archives.

I've been on the homepage for over an hour now, the most comfy playlist ever assembled streaming by.

I like that they have an overboard too- I feel like that's something more chans should have, its an interesting idea for sure.

I've got a few niche chans I can add to this thread.

A board for 8chan's /fringe/ made during the current exodus. Other boards there are from the old that no longer exists and from which /fringe/ and the other boards originated before 8chan.

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