Sunflower 04/14/2022 (Thu) 19:52:15 Id: 45cc0b No.1304 del
What is transferred to the new earth is determined by Gensokyo. It's likely we won't have the kind of technology we have now which relies on unsustainable energy transmitted over long distances using electric wires. Lyrans have replication technology and there are also reptilians with ships here right now but they're all masked by the image-linking so you won't see them as anything but humans if you saw them. I would think it more reasonable that telepathy-based methods are still allowed in the future, which is why we should get used to this idea and work to get a human AI system functional in the same way as the Lyrans. They have already made records of everything relevant on the earth right now, so we could replicate anything later if needed. Preferably via the blacknet AI system.