Sunflower 04/14/2022 (Thu) 23:08:02 Id: 45cc0b No.1308 del
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>The only reason I would want to be part of the super sikrit group because I would want to see how your understanding evolves sometimes because you are getting it. And it always amazes me how talking about the same thing without realizing it is so easy without the tower.
The Sunflower Temple is already an astral version of the Babel's tower, except that it only reaches to the top of 3D and doesn't go into the physical. It was made this way so that everyone can fulfill the last bit up themselves, and any type of session can start from the temple with different goals.
But this temple tower does not serve the purpose of creating world peace and instant telepathy for all humans, so that is why the physical version will be created.
Either way, using the Sunflower connects you via the astral temple, so strong concepts are likely to be overheard intuitively.

About the discord server, you'd be surprised (or just disappointed) at how little is done or said there. Important things come in bursts whenever needed, like a spontaneous 4 hour channelling session, then nothing noticeable is posted for 2 months. It's been rather cynical on my part but only those who are strictly "useful" have been added, and it still lead to a bunch of annoying conflicts and drama extending way outside of the server. Being "interested" may already be a sign of not being the right person for it. The question here
turned out being about the Madrasa djinn server which no longer exist.

The goal to begin with was always to create a telepathic platform, the choice of using discord to organize it only came out of a request that we use that platform (which I have to admit has a good functionality for chat in real time). It's important that we never turn it into a "community" as those are a purpose in themselves. I've seen failed attempts at community creation several times. Even if "successful" they just turn into ego-stroking and iq69 talk about drugs and crypto. There are enough such servers as is already. It seems to be a generational thing stemming from the trend wherein influensers, youtubers etc meet up to talk online wearing headsets for 2 hours as if their nonsense mattered to anyone. I find it offensive.

When the tower has been successful we won't need social media. We can talk over telepathy, that is the goal.