Sunflower 04/15/2022 (Fri) 21:31:20 Id: 45cc0b No.1315 del
>his is an advanced and complicated topic but we will talk about this further for sure.
This sounds like a topic for you specifically, I see no relevance in it. I don't even understand what you're saying.
They gave me a new guide. It's a woman I once met at a bus stop and instantly saw was a vampire. I think they did this as some kind of joke/bullying, she's a sadistic shotacon. I've never met this kind of personality before. But it feels like they did this to mess with her, not me. It's all some kind of game, I'm starting to see references to the setting of the Dragon Reborn/Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan. I was suspecting these are actually about a previous time period and these recent interactions seem to confirm it. The tv adaptation of the series, while a bit too effected by the goal of selling it to asia and everywhere (way too many characters were played by asians), still had the right feel articulated. The way the "fallen" are shown as portraits drawn up by the life threads of ordinary people in the intro, seems to mirror how the immortal vampires have shaped history around themselves. [Embed]
I suppose the meaning of the visuals here with the threads of human lives creating the fabric of time may not mean much if you haven't read the books, but anyway.

>in Umineko it's how Beatrice was multiple people
If only you knew. There is some heavy lore here. We don't know who, but Beatrice was a real historical person.
>What gave you the idea to create that machine?
There are these horrible people trying to infiltrate my mind with stupid indoctrination. It's extremely dumb and obvious, but they're so into their own thinking they can't see how much it stands out. They're racist statists of the worst kind. Their messages all come down to
>nonwhites bad, central government good
to which I of course tell them that tax is theft and they need to repay everything they took, and that laws are not a valid excuse for kidnapping people and locking them up. They have no right to do these things to people and they need to realize that they are wrong. When we get to this point they start shouting insults, and that's where I draw the line and use weapons against them. It's super rude to come and do this day after day. So I'm just applying that once they turn hostile I'll kill them in the most brutal way possible as a warning to anyone else advocating for organized theft, kidnappings and forced indoctrination. They always break in the end, but it's boring to have to kill them down to the last half dozen before they realize they need to surrender so I'm trying to automate it.

I really have no interest in fighting, I just want them to realize their mistakes so they can start paying back what they stole. If everyone just saw it from my perspective, everyone could be happy. It was a natural consequence of this that if they're converted to infernal female demons they'll agree with me, because those always do.