Sunflower 04/16/2022 (Sat) 22:37:47 Id: 2730bc No.1322 del
>It should have a suppressive effect on the human mind
The weird thing was that it cleansed my legs? I mean it's not like I did too many spiritual things with them. And yes had a minimal effect on my mind but I have my mythical golden age female and she helped with the cleansing a lot before this It seems the last time she did something was 12000 years ago and she was summoned to clean things up back then. It's just that I was one of the catalyst entity that helped her to get to this realm I can't tell more details because I am not really bothering with them currently only results matter as long as this world is in this shit stage. I can get nostalgic past life adventures later

>To override anything you first must remove the controlling entity
Or you control the controlling entity ;^)
I may or may not realized long ago why Merlin "created" Arthur. Mages don't want to deal with mundane power structures. But they sure don't want utter chaos where they bother them on their path. In democracy you control the masses in dictatorship you control the dictator. The best are populist politicians. They have a constant "fear" that they have to do "this" or the people will kill them. But what(or who) is causing that "irrational" fear? And becoming a tyrant is not the solution. You can't kill everyone. You need to make the majority of people happy
>Men always say women are so complicated
People are retarded not complicated. This is a lesson I learned in my late teens. It's just the problem you have to understand their retardation before you can "untangle" their stupidity. My goal is to speed up that process as much I can. My results are currently talking to them while doing etherically a bunch of cleansing find their "purpose" reignite that and turn them into well functioning adults that will not bother my path with their stupidity. I am not saying I am good at this but getting better as I move forward. As I move forward I don't see men and women anymore. I see a bunch of misguided children.
>someone who already created all 49 white spikes of the human body
give me an idea about that 49 pls. It can be incoherent schizo rambling. I just need some idea
Because well... As I am channeling the powers of the "source". While widening the "bandwidth" so I can get more power faster. I realized I am also creating "stars" around me. like the touhou danmakus. Then realized how some "old" energies got "stuck" in impure matter. So I freed that. That way I got a giant ball with the size of a multi store building. Then I realized this is a great amount of energy but kinda "impure". It felt "sour" as I let it into my body and I asked multiple entities and refining it was only possible through my own body. Which felt awful and long so I let it stay in the ball. Then I got bothered that I have this huge "low tier" energy. Not a single magical project on my hand where I could use it. And I don't want to waste it. Sooooooo because I know of the higher realms where my energy is still gets "bottlenecked". I went ahead and exploded it upwards to destroy everything in the path. This had 2 results. A legion of entities instantly pledged for servitude (It was their terms I always ask for their terms first) And well the "stuck" energy was gone and it increased the "karma levels" around me. People got into accidents on that day constantly while breaking bones and such. I realized now I have to channel my new pure energies into the "ground" so "harmony" can return. Since that things are "optimal" around me. Also more and more entities volunteer to help me on my path because of it. Almost like an isekai wishfullfilment but I understand the mechanics I know why this happens. But my energy channeling is not perfect. I am trying to figure out what am I missing. Today I also figured out a weird thing the demons created for me. I kinda felt dumb for not figuring out earlier....