Sunflower 04/17/2022 (Sun) 00:45:49 Id: 2730bc No.1326 del
>They need to be liberated, not controlled by someone else
I need to explain my core ideas sometime. The trick is to start up a "liberation" "control process". Forces under their control start to get liberated and the "leader" either liberates them or gets killed for still grasping his already broken chains while the "slaves" are in frenzy for freedom. If I want to give a recent example is that after the dissolution of the USSR. Every politician knew it's a time for change and slowly reformed their government. Except Nicolae Ceaușescu so he got executed by his own people. When change is coming the true leaders know when they need to abdicate their "throne". Only retarded power hungry fucks don't realize when an era ends.

The french revolution was similar except 1 tiny difference. The French helped to liberate America from the British and "exporting ideas" to "weaken" your enemy is always playing with fire you don't even understand. Not to mention how WW1 Germany sent Lenin to Tsarist Russia. I still wonder about Rasputin. If he understood "his influence" a little better could he have saved Russia from the blow of the WW1? Could we have gotten a proper communism if the first nation to adapt it would have been not Russia? And without Russia would have Mao even have a chance to turn China into the current slave factory that is?
There are always people with power to turn the tides of history. It's just sometimes they get power hungry and forget "their mission" and die in the fallout.
It doesn't matter tho. Materialist communism has no chance to work long term.

>7 for each of the 7 chakras of the human body makes 49
oh nothing real "complicated" then
>"normal" timeframe
yeah when you go "outside time and space" once you get a hang of it. I realized that how simple is to "save people" and I wondered if I wouldn't have "misused my mindcontrol powers" in my childhood maybe things would have been better if I wasn't so extreme with my willpower maybe I could have untangled the terrible karma my family created for itself before I was born (and made it worse while I was still a baby). I found a timeline where my family wasn't so bad and other timeline me "smoothed out the rough edges" intuitively without realizing it. He had a nice normal life. He was kinda happy overall but unfulfilled :/. When he noticed me he started to envy me for my "accomplishments". I asked him would you consider "my" path if you had to kill everyone around you? He suddenly got extreme cold eyes and told me Yes. I had to realize all the bullshit that happened to me and tried to kill me several times was for a reason. Then I figured out if I can find this easily a WISHIDIDTHINGSALITTLEBETTERME then maybe I can find some "godmode" timeline me. Well there was a bunch. This world is nothing special for "cosmic me". So I went to a "godform". He looked like the universe itself in "human" form with the chakras looking like galaxies inside it. I wanted to understand the heart chakra more because "love" is hard to define through the understanding I worked with which was the "laws" the root and solar chakra used usually. I felt a loud thudding. Like someone is trying to break down a wall in my heart. As the breakthrough happened I got visions from a life I didn't live. And in the end there was a pregnant woman. And as she looked at her newborn I understood the "origin love" we first feel as newborns through our moms. Because first we are a child then a parent. We need to become our "own parents" to master this world.