Sunflower 04/17/2022 (Sun) 22:26:56 Id: 45cc0b No.1339 del
>He gives you "his power" if you understand his "perspective". But you could wrestle it from him so guess he wasn't so against it. Which timeline are you even trying to alter?
I was merely trying to remove the effect of chronological time, which is the same as "time by Kronos" to instead let it rest on karmic relations and mechanical dependencies. I had long talks about this with Yuuka, because I wanted to be able to, say, visit ancient Greece as if it's just a place. Yuuka wasn't against it, but didn't understand why I wanted to do this. When trying to fight Kronos I accidentally challenged three fragments of the Leprechaun, they held similar influence. This is a side track, but Leprechaun is not a type of being, it's just one being. Sometime in the ancient past he felt all powerful and had the brilliant idea to break himself into fragments to learn new things, and then expecting that he'd automatically assemble over time. Each shard is insanely powerful, but not invincible if you have a decent strategy. Maybe this is how hubris kills beings? He broke himself. The greys have captured 3 shards, I captured 4 before I actually found Kronos. One of the Leprechaun shards was once incarnated as a warehouse guard who became an unregistered ripper victim in London. He was predestined to reincarnate as the leader of German SA, Ernst Röhm, but the ripper magic broke the timeline back then already and he never entered that life.
I used a battle set-up with a large number of my girls from the mansion arranged into a "peacock" formation and each of them standing on a Sakuya style knife. Then they'd simultaneously attack in waves like a touhou barrage attack, based on the same method you have to use against world bosses in MMOs. One person can do nothing, 10 can perhaps do little damage if they fight for one hour, while 30 - 40 can take down the boss in 30 min if they persist and have a good leader. The same tactic worked with Kronos, a shard was broken off and it reincarnated into a green dragon. The dragon created the crystal for me so I can ignore chronological time. The dragon now stays in my temple of Illkeserod in the mansion.