Sunflower 04/18/2022 (Mon) 04:11:42 Id: 12026c No.1346 del
I see, thanks for the reply. Maybe I could find a way to go outside of time and give the white spike to my next incarnation if I have one.

>And yes artifacts can be used if you can "find them". You can use artifacts from your dreams and other timelines. You just need a way to "grab it" and use it.
That's nice, guess I can get my dream weapons and omnipotent glove somehow. That Jet Fighter was really cool too.
Empowering Djinns worries me, but I see that your interests are not at odds with mine.
>And you can use that power over 1000 people to "convince" the "Higher selves" of other people to help you cast magic without uttering a word on the physical.
Funny thing, I once asked my Higher Self to call on the Higher Selves of others that care about me in order to get rid of the Lucifuge and His thoughtform from my life, I saw the result in a dream where those people where in a pile of bodies and those who were still awake were missin one or two arms and the wounds were completely black. I once attacked Lucifuge myself and he retaliated in the same way that I intended to attack him, in a dream I got a wound across the chest, all black for some reason.