Sunflower 04/18/2022 (Mon) 11:38:40 Id: 45cc0b No.1353 del
>But what if you can use this without contracts and botsouls?
>Because the "elites" are doing that and it's a pain in the ass to counter and I want more people to understand this concept.
I don't agree with this method, it's upholding the elite class/slave class society. I create contracts so that it's always a personal relation. Those are asymmetric, but they're not cementing an unjust system. Elites are dependent on their slaves, and the slaves depend on the elites, while they both hate each other. This is not what I want. The reason for my reaction to your posts here then seem to be a clash of egregores or worldviews.
>use several million people as a "spiritual bandwidth" to cast a spell
This does not sound right to me, if there is no contract you risk creating karma. It would multiply exponentially and in an instant you're unsalvageable if you make a mistake. Something like this happened with Falun Gong and turned millions of people into reeking zombies who could not be saved at all. I was only able to recover the personality structure of one person I cared about and I can't even say it's a person anymore, they only exist as a crow on my island. Crows and cats are part of the form of my gong particles, so it's likely the only remaining part of the person is my memory. Is this how you want it?
It's just a connection point for the network which gives a 17% energy gain and the ability to ignore the time difference between locations when doing sessions in the astral temple. The effect won't be greater for having more of them.