Sunflower 04/18/2022 (Mon) 21:57:48 Id: 2730bc No.1362 del

Now here comes the thing that I realized through the interaction with my "twinflame". The "consent" of the higher selves. In the start of creation we were one. If you can go back to creation by yourself you will understand that we are all one and ERP a reality. Now that light can be channeled to a great degree. The light that was not manifested through the chakras. And you "cast a magic" by properly convincing the higher selves that this alteration to reality is a must and a benefit for their flesh avatars. And not fuelling them through "your energies" but through their own self which you "widen" for the magic. Because we need to understand how karma is created. It's the self hurting the other self. The energies "clash" and become dark. And the "selves" need to "forgive" each other to absolve the karma.
Now there are things that needs to considered when doing something Okina tier stunt. What we do must be beneficial for the "selves" and if we "avert" a catastrophe with that... That will alter the "destiny" of the people a little. Aka they have to repay their karma in an other way. And yes I am currently creating a "karma free zone" around me but not by putting energy into the people but into the "ground" so people can absolve their karma in a "softer" way. And a bunch of entities patrolling the area for "smoothing over" things. Mostly fairies and dragons.
It has one danger. If someone displeases me or I am doing some way too energy and concentration intensive magical work. The energies temporarily get pulled back that keeps people "in harmony" around me and they get into accidents... (someone broke a finger then told me the bone miraculously healed under a week and the doctor was yelling at her because that is an impossibility)

And yes my goal is also the return of the "age of gods" when we all gods and don't need to constantly waste our energies for averting catastrophies. And no I don't want slaves or to become an "elite" because ordering slaves around while watching them suffer constantly is not my fetish. I want people to be happy and shine around me.
And I am still figuring out details and I don't believe in "unsaveable people". You just need to become better at saving (I am still becoming better at saving I am not being a dick here) But currently I am saving people that will accompany me while I am going through the path. I am trying to use my powers through the enlightened understanding I got so far and trying to minimize the current "karmic fallouts". The self doesn't need to suffer pointlessly. As much as I want to say LET THEM DIE THEY DESERVE IT. That makes my "heart chakra" tighten and I need my bandwidth for my workings. Everyone can be saved. It's never too late. I am not saying I can do it currently but I need to keep this mindset on or my energies turn against me. Becoming one with Atman (the self of the universe) is changing the way I do things. The worst part is I cannot argue with myself anymore. That splits the "self" and creates an inner tension. I had to change the way I go through concepts. Now i need to understand instead of pointing out every flaw an idea can have.

>qi gong master may be possessed by a "futi", a spirit attaching to them to steal their vital energy
Just reading the name made me summon it. It's on the sacral chakra level. I can't believe I am still shit at mastering that