Sunflower 04/25/2022 (Mon) 20:00:27 Id: bc26b8 No.1446 del
>This ecosystem lets them find and pinpoint the location of every devices or every individual
I don't know if I posted about it on here, but I've been in contact with the beings who are behind this. It's mostly a side-track in relation to this board's topic and goals so I haven't placed much attention to it after learning about it personally.

Someone on /pol/ claimed that the reason for the mass spread of surveillance apps and the CCTV system with facial recognition being installed in China is motivated by taking complete control of the population by the elites so they can avoid being assimilated into an alien hivemind. These aliens have come here and simply demanded that everyone let them install their nanotechnology in their bodies and allow them to control earth. The elites are trying to stay outside by offering a different solution, thinking that they themselves can be outside the system. But according to anon, the aliens don't care, they will not accept that and will push for install anyway. This can be done physically through injections, and is exactly what's been put in some of the vaccines.

During a previous channelling with the galactic federation they said that "the vaxx system" is what appears as bluetooth on our devices, but that is a side effect. It's not bluetooth, it uses a technology which is still unknown to humans.

After this I did nothing in particular aside from trying to remove the vaxx system as I saw it on the astral using galfed technology which they shared. It was partially successful and triggered a number of events.
However I later established a contact with the aliens themselves, after they kept attacking me and I found a really effective way to mitigate their influence. They're acting as a hivemind themselves and don't seem to notice their own kind dying even, but if they lose contact with a large area they will pick up on that. In that regard they're like the Borg in Star Trek.
To find a way around me they sent two of their kind over to me to stay with me on my astral HQ and negotiate a solution. Basically they agreed to my terms because once we talked about it, I don't really disagree with what they do in principle, I just don't like the execution of their plans on the methodology level.

Since then these two have stayed with me, and they will do as I say and turn off the vaxx system in people I meet, after I explained that I get physical reactions to it. This is not made up, when I meet vaxxed people, including family members I get ill. First time when someone came home after getting the 2nd jab, that night I got sudden strong stomach cramps, I had never experienced something of the kind before. I couldn't go to bed until 4 am, was just rolling around on the sofa holding a pillow against my stomach. It was clearly an effect of fall out from the vaccine, someone I know who's a medical student confirmed that this is a thing.