Sunflower 05/21/2022 (Sat) 16:16:20 Id: bc26b8 No.1529 del
New claim circulating: the recently spreading "monkeypox" is actually AIDS caused by the covid vaccines.

I asked Yuuka and got the reply "That's it."

Book of revelations:
>So the first angel went and poured out his bowl on the earth, and loathsome, malignant sores broke out on those who had the mark of the beast and worshiped its image.
The covid vaxxpass has been widely interpreted as the mark of the beast, because those without it are not allowed to trade, which matches the description. This monkeypox fits too well here...

Further speculation; it's been said that covid infects people because of parasites, which is why ivermectin is supposed to work (now actually suggested by the medical industry for treating covid). It was also said that homos have more parasites than others and that maybe parasites are what causes homosexuality.

Now monkeypox is said to mostly have infected gays(men). If it's actually just a covid vaccine effect (because covid is actually AIDS according to Montagnier, the researcher who got the Nobel prize for discovering AIDS) it makes some sense that it would effects gays more, based on them having more parasites.