Sunflower 06/15/2022 (Wed) 22:19:51 Id: 7576b5 No.1637 del
I should mention something. I came up with an idea and asked the greys if they had a module/program for it. As usual, someone already thought of it, so they did. It's a "RAM loader" for the brain. Basically the human physical 3D brain is a RAM, and it can store "knowledge" in the form of neural charges. For a regular person they store this programming and then when they get old they start forgetting it again. Then they die and most of it is lost because it was just neural programming in 3D, only the karma and virtue remains.

For someone who completed their personality, what was in the brain RAM will be gong and remain, but to bring it back into a new 3D brain still requires a process so you won't easily recall what you learned in a past life. Most of the time it isn't even worth doing because you have new things to learn.

That's where this RAM loader comes in. Since it's just surface 3D programming, why spend all this time filling it up manually if there's a better way? That's what it can do. It doesn't grow your nerves and it doesn't connect the "knowledge" to your everyday skills automatically, but the information you loaded will be there when you need it, and you will intuitively be able to bring it up.

Ask the greys if you want this module. At first I thought about making a sigil for it, but they said this is an advanced module that most humans couldn't and shouldn't attempt to install (most can't finish the install within one lifetime, is that they said).