Sunflower 08/14/2022 (Sun) 19:39 Id: 53dcab No.1934 del
(534.60 KB 696x880 my mind currently.png)
>figure out a mystery that is bothering me
>want to write it down
>I am away from my computer so can't
>think about more things to pass the time
>figure out more mysteries
>multiple things fall into place
>want to write them down even more
>as I try to formulate the thing I want to write down I realize maybe I can do something with this new realization that I couldn't yesterday
>I'm not just can do a new thing but it changes my model of magic completely
>with this new realization I realize some of my older theories are obsolete or incomplete
>look up some things on the internet to make sure if the things I am basing my theories are correct
>I am not just right but it seems the things I figured out was something others figured out too or it outright bypasses the limits of that way of thinking
>now the thing I want to write down is probably more than 5+ post of a word salad
>lose motivation to write them down
>watch anime instead
>anime is slow so I figure out one more thing

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