Sunflower 10/06/2022 (Thu) 20:10 Id: 28c003 No.2085 del
Begin by laying on your back in the "dead man's pose", relaxed with your feet apart and your arms a bit out from the sides. Breath with your stomach and perform the mula banda (root lock, in a simplified western version this is known as "kegels") synced with your breathing. Your chest should not move. You can place your hands on your chest in the beginning to make sure that you are not moving your chest when breathing. When you are at peace, proceed to the sitting stance:

Sit in double lotus with your feet high up on your thighs, near your hips. This will straighten your spine and relax your back muscles naturally. Other sitting stances which are easier on the legs tend to have the downside that you need to actively focus on keeping your lower back from curving. This will take your attention away from the process you are attempting to perform.

Place your hands, open with palms up on your thighs. Your feet may be in the way so you may have to place your hands closer to your knees.

Press your chin against your chest. This may feel uncomfortable at first, but will help you relax your neck. It will also somewhat restrict your breathing, which is preferred in this type of meditation where you are not to breath too fast. If letting your eyes relax you will be looking at your solar plexus, which is also beneficial in this exercise.

Pay attention to your root chakra. You may feel warmth and observe an ocher red energy building up. Expect this to happen. The energy will form into leaves, growing below you and out to the sides, until forming something like a thick round rug. Sit comfortably on this rug and you will start observing it turning green by the edges.

Move your attention to the solar plexus. Yellow energy will start to flow out from your solar plexus, it will shine and start forming into petals. Remain in this state and feel the energy increasing for as long as you want. If you sit long enough, small sunflowers may appear on your palms.

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