Sunflower 10/10/2022 (Mon) 22:38 Id: 845da4 No.2092 del
Now about nofap...
9 years ago when it still wasn't called that but semen retention was a thing and I felt like I need to do a challenge to show myself just how strong my willpower is.I did this for a year. After 1 or 2 weeks I got annoyed of the lust I felt so I found it's origin point and turned it off. This had 2 catastrophic results. The opposite sex became invisible to me. They were like background characters my personality became more blank and I cannot even remember a single memory from that year. It's not like that I forgot that year. It's just because the sexual energies didn't go up my "brain" my memories didn't get a "charge". And because there is still 1 lock for semen retention that you need to unlock to have a use. It's not apparent but the sexual energies will flow into your subconscious and you will have wet dreams or even worst nighttime releases without a wet dream >:[
So while you are "pure" and "without sexual desire" all that energy does nothing beneficial and makes your life numb.
The semen retention /fit/ is trying to do is valid but still meh. You can direct the sexual energies to go into your muscles. And that is okay with the botsoul logic because you are doing that to "attract better mates and increase your chance of survival". There is a switch for this in the organ too. And there is one that makes your prostate super sensitive and turns you into a faggot. Like half of /fit/ And one that gives you a 20% bigger dick and many more probably.

Now to the important part about why we need to contain our semen. Semen is a genetic and energy carrier. When you have intercourse it will charge up with energy every time you orgasm as your muscles contract. For reproduction it will have enough energy no matter what. But for tantric "powers" it's complicated. When I finally "took apart" the "botsoul instincts" and found the channel where the sexual energies have to go there was a problem. Semen will gather any energy it needs to "go forward" or die trying. If you don't have enough energy in your balls it will stop somewhere and clog your energy channels. I didn't understand why I have bad postures suddenly. Well the "sperm" stopped moving halfway in my "spine" and started "growing" on bad energies. I had to take them out and then I did a deeper cleansing and had to properly reconnect the "flow" of energies. Currently my testes look like a golden embryo with a wide rainbow like umbilical cord. This way the sperm is pure white with a goldish aura and is able to break through energy blocks instead of stopping somewhere and feeding on it's bad energies. Finally I don't need to use that "ankhing" method to shoot up the energies via fapping. I had to realize that was a literal dark tantra while shorterm it gave me an energy boost overall it fucked up the energy channels. But I had to do it because no fap yielded worst results. Then the energy movement it generated gave me constant insights. Fapping to the purest waifus for months led to partial enlightenment of the genetic mysteries of the human body...

Semen retention is useless if you can't guide the sexual energies.

I know my writing is long it needs better organization too personal and impossible to understand if you are not on the weird and specific level that I am on. But now that I finally figured this sexual tantric sillyness out I will move on to the other chakras and they get way out of this world and now that I am not "obsessed" with sex and lust because I found the "drive" it can create always amazing and my body is breaking energy channels open so fast I feel like I'm having an another puberty and that will just make this whole post into the category of "basic knowledge that I always knew". And the board is silent as usual so whatever. Text for days.
I still can't decide between the "virtue of silence" and the "sharing is caring" approach.