Sunflower 10/27/2022 (Thu) 21:42 Id: 8b022f No.2117 del
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Recent channellings with The Infernal Queen and Adremelech
has given the following predictions:

>The earth will appear to be teleported through space as the external galactic position is updated to correspond to where we actually are. This will lead to new stars, suns and moons constantly appearing in the sky and a lack of nighttime. Humans will panic when this see this.

>Zombies will be separated into their own timeline where they and all their infrastructure is burned at 7000 degrees. Alloys will be returned to pure metals again and a new bedrock will be created. The current earth's population will be turned into oil and fossils in the new earth's depths.

>Some NPCs will be returned to real humans again as walk-ins will take over their bodies to take part in the new society. This includes demons, angels, ghosts etc.

>Nectar, original energy, will be imparted from the creator gods to give humans a temporary lifespan boost so that the new world can be created. Expect something like the biblical 900 year lifespan.

>The veil breaking is very close now. We are at "the end of the beginning".