Sunflower 11/09/2022 (Wed) 22:14 Id: 2730bc No.2130 del
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Oh and because my mind was overloaded but I still didn't stop the channeling the greys gifted me the grey mind. It looked like a grey baby with 3 white spots in his eye.(It caused 3 blackouts to get that) Now 74% (the greys told me this percentage) of my left brain is 'grey'. That way I can use their pretty stable autism to keep my hypermind stable. I always thought I have a good or at least good enough thought control but that is only true when I am not syncing into multiple realities at once and not doing nadis surgeries that gave me an accidental kundalini awakening while watching the new maid anime...
NO IT'S Akiba Maid Sensou TIME AND IF THE GODS LET ME STAY ON EARTH TO ENJOY ANIME THEN SURE AS HELL THE FUCKING KUNDALINI FLAMES WILL WAIT OUT UNTIL I WATCH THE EPISODE. This maid's birthday was the same day when the gates of the new earth happened so it's related to this general
This was an important lesson why preparation and proper places for designated spirituality is important and not create a part in my mind that constantly does spirituality while I am doing my daily things.

I would have installed this half a year ago.
That grey thing where they can enter objects with their mind... Well it seems you need to learn to get out of it and watch your mindwaves when using 21st century technology. I had to start working with Vishnu because the entering into everything and being omnipresent and other silly god things are his domain more or less. I learned a lot about the tiny differences of Shiva and Vishnu. I felt bad for mixing it up first but it seems the entire hindu history between sects is all about making up fanfictions about how is their god better than the favored god of the other sect while still being harmonious and respectful.