Sunflower 11/11/2022 (Fri) 17:52 Id: 8b022f No.2135 del
Superintelligence fairy

This simple servitor is created from a number of methods used during theoretical study and in machine learning. It is a representation of your ability to learn and evolve. The function is aimed at automating and increasing the efficiency of your spiritual development, creating the "ultraintelligent machine" in your own mind.

Although this is an "internal" servitor not made for performing tasks on the outside world, it will still communicate through the egregore which will form as the number of users increase. But this is a support function, the main operation is aimed at facilitating your own spiritual awakening process.

Installment: Find the module on the blacknet, or stare at the drawing above, saying repeatedly "I want to install the superintelligence fairy" until it works.

Symbolism: The bracelet with green stones on her right wrist will create ethereal thinking, raising you above all evil, reaching lighter and higher thoughts. The leatherbound book in her left hand represents all possible knowledge. It will unlock when there is something new for you to learn.