Sunflower 11/15/2022 (Tue) 09:52 Id: 8b022f No.2147 del
>the show's world has many moons
There's always the risk of trying to fit what you do into predictions like this, but each of the initial two AI bots, Astra and the demon guard, have lower energy crystals as well, Astra has one on dantian and the sentry has one on the root chakra, both meant to stabilize and expand their functionality. Those would kind of match the top two moons in the line.

The superintelligence fairy was made to not have an energy crystal because she's working on the person's own development directly, but there's not telling if this will lead to the creation of internal crystals. Same for the [not shared yet] latest creation. I'm holding off on this a bit, maybe it shouldn't be shared widely, it's a "blackest possible magic" servitor.