Sunflower 11/16/2022 (Wed) 12:08 Id: 8b022f No.2148 del
>a "blackest possible magic" servitor
It seems this is too specialized to be shared with just anyone, but I was able to share it with anon in a tulpa thread. Apparently, having visualization abilities gained from tulpa creation is enough to activate a ScaleForm module (the reptilian system's cogwheel discs).

I proceeded with the next idea:
I have already made bots/servitors for the functions I wanted, Astrabot, the demon guard, the superintelligence fairy and the most transformative function black magic witch. What remains is to create a servitor for myself. Most of the human experience relies on automated bodily responses anyway, so why not turn all of those into a servitor and have it possess the body?

Yep that works too, if you know yourself well enough to actually represent yourself properly. The following night I had dreams involving the new police beast people from the galactic federation. In it, I was shown complex logical functions represented using some kind of extended Boolean gates, which were supposed to be able to completely control and create human sustainability. It was still pretty simple. I don't recall all details but it was overviewable. One of the gates had 7 different settings on the input. Maybe it should be treated as a neuron of a neural network instead, but the functionality was clear.