Sunflower 11/19/2022 (Sat) 15:44 Id: 2730bc No.2166 del
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>I got scared and backed off
When you get scared you have to realize you are scared for a reason. You must understand the thing that will be there and you must steel your heart to be ready for that "lesson". Being scared of things is necessary in our survival. When you are no longer scared by instinct then you are ready for the things to come.

Like spiders. Why are some people extremely scared of spiders? That some of them real poisonous so our ancestors learned to "fear them" as an explanation always felt weird. Not to mention that killing a spider causes bad luck. I always keep some spiders in my room that are not poisonous so they can catch bugs. They are called Harvest Spiders.
In the beginning summoning entities was by mind minds eye then they slowly appeared out of thin air and now I can see how they come out of portals sometime.
When I summoned one aspect of my "twinflame" (I don't like this concept because I am going way beyond the original new age understanding but the point is that she is a female aspect of my being that is connected to me) I usually did this so I can do heart meridian cleansing because I really clogged that with my magic in the past. Now the last time I did this my "twinflame" got grabbed by long black spiderlegs and was taken away.
While I was laying there as the portal closed the only thing I was thinking
>this is new and I want to see where this leads
Many things happened but in the end I got a spider made from nothing but "eyes" and it merged with my mind. Now I can see way too many connections. And I can "weave" some "webs" too but... currently I only use it to "sew" my body together and not to manipulate events because I am not seeing the point of doing that currently. There are too many connections and they need to be merged and untangled first.
It was weird when next day multiple people decided to clean old cobwebs around me because suddenly they "noticed it" and bothered them.

So yes arachnophobes probably got caught by these spiders here and then and still remember it deep inside

>Spider Queen
Can you tell me about her? Currently I am trying to figure out multiple origin points and I realized multiple times so far I need to listen to the "perception of others" because my own perception is not enough. I usually see the "coin" from the otherside and even if I turn it around many times I still can't decipher the full extent

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