Sunflower 11/19/2022 (Sat) 20:37 Id: 2730bc No.2169 del
Yes mundanes call it visual static (and some say you are seeing the blood vessels in your eyes) but it was revealed to me it's way too complicated

I noticed that first in my childhood mostly in the dark then it went away for a long time.

It's literally a "frequency tuning" of the eye. The third eye... no the entire subtle body is a way too complicated thing and if you can perceive things the same way as others then you are "synced" well. The "opened 3rd eye" can see things in a way too varied way. When entities or auras start to "appear" it's not just "seeing it". Human eyes "see" by absorbing the light of our sun (and stars and fire and other light sources that are "native to earth")

I don't know if you interacted with higher beings before but they usually have glowing eyes. Those eyes radiate a light because that light is how they "see" you. You need a flashlight to see in the dark and their eyes is the "flashlight"

Now here comes an interesting part about perception. This perception "filters" reality and affects it at once. It's like the echolocation of the bats but with vision. If you master the 3rd eye you can program it to appear or more likely have a constant "overlay" over your 2 human eyes and retain information in a way you see it fit. And here I am talking about making it to "see behind the veil" or writings appearing on the wall and many other things. It's a step on the 3rd eye mastery.

>I'd like to know if this phenomenon is common or previously written about
It's as common as nose awareness tongue awareness and the breath awareness. Way too obvious but many people filter it so well they will never see it appear.