Sunflower 11/19/2022 (Sat) 20:46 Id: 2730bc No.2170 del
>I've previously tried to use this to develop holodeck-style at-will hallucinations

This skill happens on it's own when the third eye opens. I am not sure if it needs to be developed. The only tip I can give is that instead of pumping energy into the 3rd eye try to be aware how energy "flows naturally" into your 3rd eye and see if there are "bottlenecks" on your energy body. As you slowly unclog it you will see amazing results. I cannot give you starting points with this because every book every tradition has a different idea about the subtle body and especially the ancient ones are symbolic as hell. Then when you open that part of your "eye" which can perceive it you can figure out how "it works". The energy body has way too many layers tho so it's no easy task but very rewarding.