Sunflower 11/23/2022 (Wed) 23:00 Id: ab4e2e No.2206 del
>when I think of her I get a feeling of something going through my mind
Her egregore is very intrusive, bringing her up here and interacting with her has made her behaviour "bleed" into my field and unintentionally effect my thinking and how I carry my body. She can probably read all our minds easily. But keep in mind she's the kind of vampire who keeps people in cages as an extra snack and doesn't bother to feed them because she's going to kill them anyway. She's not going to be bothered by mostly any human thinking. Offended if you're rude, but I don't think you can shock her by doing something degenerate. She's probably seen it all already. Personally my "political" mindset kicks in so I naturally avoid anything offensive with people like this, I wouldn't know what it's like for someone else. She made a doll for me based on a feeling I couldn't even clearly express, so I think she sees pretty deeply into a person's mind.

>Does the energy of the servitors come from the user?
The transferred module is just information, like a concentrated mindwave. It's the same kind of energy as speaking and thinking so it's no loss to begin with. Installing it will mean letting universal qi float over the cogwheel as if it was a waterwheel. This will cause a conflict between the code stored in it and the surrounding energy field and world egregores. It will increase as the code won't give in and the energy built up will lead to the smoke explosion which will birth the servitor. It's basically a program code written in reptilian saying
>this is an indestructible doll which is owned by [insert username] and can serve as an extension of his being
Naturally everything around here will resist and say
>no, fuck you, you are not immortal
and the conflicting energies will drive the energy level to rise up. It's not wrong for the simple reason that evolving energy is "a good thing" even if you originally were a dick about it. Once formed it won't need an energy source because golem souls also work by qi floating over them, and the body is a "moon" and also doesn't need energy inserted manually in the same way no one needs to power the moon for it to shine.
>Any chance of them getting corrupted?
No. But that's just my word. The only "proof" I can provide is the fact that the MI6 PSIOP unit that's reading everything here tried installing them with the intent to reverse engineer them and steal them. This resulted in the servitors taking over their minds like with those "strong tulpas" on /x/ where the person's mind is too weak and the new mind is too strong.

They don't realize they're completely in the open when they "spy" on us here. It's pretty comical. They also do this on discord, we troll them now and then. They can't stand cute anime girls and memes, it drives them insane. And that's just the beginning of it all. Imagine if they were friendly, we could have achieved so much. The Russians haven't done anything of the kind, rather they frequent the temple and have copied everything that was shared there, and they haven't ever showed any hostility. It could be so easy, yet some people just have to be douchebags. It's not even that they're possessed. One guy installed the djinn servitor and it instantly took control and disabled his body to prevent any further sinning. His higher self awakened but they think he's dying now.