Sunflower 11/25/2022 (Fri) 15:09 Id: 05144c No.2209 del
Sunflower, I'm still looking for the source, please give it another try. You got to know it, He literally speaks about flower coming from petal to center. More input follows. that spacious awareness that lies behind the form
the nirvana that is other side of the balance of (sansara?), so what way you want to (present ?) this is determined by your karmic p(..)
for example some people are very quiet and reflective, and for them the path may well be the path of s(..) meditation..
and it seems bizarre when my rational intellectual mind examines what i do in the mediation
and i spend hours and in fact sometimes months, just sitting, following rising and falling of the muscles in my (...)
and bringing my mind down to one point like a laser beam and letting go of its identification with other thoughts, bringing always back to the center just like a flower where you go out in the petal and come back to the center, out of the petal come back to the center, out of thought, out of sensation - come back to the center stay quiet in the center..
and when the mind gets really concentrated, it penetrates, and you penetrated into realm where you're not separated from anything. that is a strategy, the end point is not to leave you being a meditator, but to be free.
and it's important that you recognize, even if you embrace this technique, every technique is a trap. every single one. but the tricky ting about (..) practices is that you have to be trapped by them in order for them to work.
and when (bhakti) yoga gets really working, you are so intimate with the beloved, that you're at the edge of where the foreplay ends and the (merging?) occurs
..i can feel the merging, i can feel things happen inside of me..
..issue of that when you get to what is called devotional or bhakti yoga..
and these are all different strategies (..) depending on our unique predispositions, some people live with their hearts strongly, and for them bhakti or devotions yoga is such a delicious path. what that path is, is that of seeing the beloved. and your love becomes more and more one pointed and you are with the beloved more and more, less and less are you busy being separate, you just so tuned into the beloved, and you just keep opening and opening until you merge into the beloved.