Sunflower 12/11/2022 (Sun) 23:17 Id: 845da4 No.2267 del
The spiderqueen had a slightly painful way of energetic mapping. It gave me an idea. Because I fapped so much that desire will come back no matter what. It will give me a "memory" of the pleasure and it will reignite my desires. My mind is above it but my body is not and the body influences the mind. I could manipulate the way I experience pain and pleasure before. I will make masturbation painful. It worked. It gave me an amazing way to see how the energies go around when that happens and the body "feels" like it is being raped. Rape is a traumatizing thing until you feel pleasure. And as the succubus said
>you are a violent aggressive male you cannot be raped
Am gonna do that by myself then and my body will remember that as a lesson. Pain and pleasure is almost the same thing. Pleasure is a different kind of pain. The problem with it that it "emanates out" a little too much. While in the beginning pleasure is a good way to feel your energy channels later you need to realize the "depth" of the subtle body and pain is better for energetic mapping. But then you will understand the pain-pleasure scale better and no need to "torture" yourself further. My "Shakti" tells me to stop torturing myself all the time it's not good on the path.
I made myself cum without feeling any pleasure at all. I did this to figure out how that stupid genitalia nerves and muscles work because you can "speed up" the root lock by doing a sort of "reverse pumping". Instead of pumping out semen you start "pumping up" energies to the spine. And automatically like your PC muscles pump out sperm when the "switch" down there gets "stimulated". Sex is really interesting and the way you connect with your partner. You exchange some parts of your animus anima and create a deep connection. You are supposed to "evolve" with your partner till death. And even if one you die you can connect her. Orpheus basically.

But you can short circuit your dick to "cum on command". Except in my case I'm reverse cumming. Going I guess. Gong
I still don't understand the origin of that word.