Sunflower 12/12/2022 (Mon) 15:03 Id: ab4e2e No.2279 del
>your Crow friend
Going back in time to stop an event which already happened isn't possible unless you cut off the entire branch, which would just lead to insta-karma for all people involved.

This process was discussed with the Queen also, where if you force some nasty scum into a gehenna process, they may themselves create a bowl and jump into it, which creates a process of "eternal hell" for them - they are stuck in there with their sins and have no choice but to pay it off.

I asked if this doesn't mean they get saved in the end?
The Queen said, with some hesitant tone of voice, that someone with a mind as small as that will experience an endless gehenna process while in the bowl because time changes on the inside. If they come out pure on the other side, can you call it "saving" them if they have to experience millions of years of psychological terror contained inside their own mind?

About my crows, that has been handled. A niner (or maybe initiate now?) gave me a prototype of a knife meant to turn owned souls into free souls so that they can join astral groups on their own. I don't remember who shared this knife artifact, it was one of the dark gods. I adapted it to myself and used it to cut loose a few of my own owned souls, they were already incarnated as lyran because the lyranet doesn't care about who is owned or not. (They'll just make them into your wives per default.)

After reading the suggestion on here from anon, I came up with an idea where I used this knife to substitute the crows' lack of soul-form with elements of myself. I then stabbed them with the "free the slaves" knife and in the process they were actually converted into real souls. They're now incarnated as drow, so the issue is solved.

That egregore is past history by now. It should be at least. The exercises work as regular qi gong if you add your own devices to it. I've used the "metal sheet gong device" with added magic types and the exercises work just fine with anything containing the same transformation functions as the Falun.

Just don't mess this up and you're fine. That means, be really fucking careful.