Sunflower 12/12/2022 (Mon) 23:49 Id: 2730bc No.2288 del
And about this sigil. I tried it out days ago and I can tell you why
>Participants saw scenes of people getting stabbed to death, one person got physically ill and one literally went insane and was admitted to mental ward
this happens.
Your knife contains your thinking and the way qi circuits work they contain some parts of your "self". The selves need to become "One" or at least flow into each other. You can do that by the "selves" killing each other. The stronger self kills the weaker one and that way they become one.
In the animal world most predatory animals go for the throat. That is the most efficient way for predators. No pain for the prey and no struggle. Struggle is bad because the otherside can bite back if it goes for too long. Some of my stronger cats always had rat bites on their neck because as a last ditch effort they got bitten back. There are times when we know when we can kill. When it's self defense when it's a "glorious battle" for our king/egregore when it's fuelled by pure rage that makes you forget who you are.
In martial arts you are supposed to learn these "animal movements". I was trying to figure out the natural way. When killing is not creating karma because their death was "predetermined" and I didn't cut short their path. When the fact that you killed them is something that will help them on their longer path. The Dao and Fate weaving is complicated and I am not trying to justify killing but I need to figure out these things because currently I don't know what is the thing I need to do? When you defeat all your "apparent" enemies and there is not an "impossible wall" that you can pour all your passion to overcome then the only thing that remains is yourself.

When I looked at your sigil my heart started to beat fast and my stomach had a weird sick feeling. Then the next thing I thought is that I want to murder you. Then I realized I don't want to murder you but I want to murder. Murder. That was the feeling. But not just any murder. Killing your own. Killing someone who doesn't deserve it or at least you think it was innocent. Then an absolutely calm weirdly prideful feeling that you killed someone. I even had a dream that night where I found someone and killed him with a rock very slowly. It unlocked a new energetic flow. I had to watch over not use that around people because suddenly they started to manifest some sort of cough or sickness. And made me want to vomit. Not bodily but the same feeling. Some people vomit when they see blood. I don't but the feeling was there.
I am not moralfagging here. It's just someone doesn't understand that he is not killing someone else but him"self" or when he doesn't understand that he is not killing him"self" but an other part of his self... Energy types are weird.
I rewrote what I want to say like 5 times and it's still a mess. Whatever. Still easier to talk about it than my past lives and other ancient energies that govern this world.