Sunflower 12/18/2022 (Sun) 19:43 Id: 2730bc No.2331 del
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When I realized this and how Jesus also figured this shit out and how that cross reconnected him to the world tree in a morbid way... Not to mention getting crucified is far less painful then becoming the Messiah for the jews. Like holy shit. I don't envy the dude who will do that. He needs to have the compassion of all the Buddhas for going though with that. Some parts of me likes to think that the proper jews found their way already and the ones that are still here are... yeah. I would like to think that they have a "masterplan" but as I can see it so far is that they have scraps of a plan that is incompatible with everything and they are trying to force it while hoping for the best.

Also yes souls can travel through trees. The Buddha had to sit under the tree for 40 days to establish this superconnection. Not easy task because the "tree" has to accept you and it's hard to prepare for. Especially that some people had to incarnate as animals after their human life so they can get closer to the tree. Or closer to humans.

And yes the electric lights represent how the modern world "mimics" the spiritual. In the old times in the forests on magical nights some people could see lights flicker around. The Fae and co. They maintain the ancient tree and sometimes reach this plane though the forests. When I noticed some energy of my heart is connecting to my forest nearby and my body was a better vessel for that than the entire forest? I didn't know what to say. I have minor fairy powers since that. Not really using it. My body needs the tending. This ancient knowledge is no joke. Obv for those who "see it" and still full of mystery. Then you have the oh right it was mentioned in some weird poem centuries ago and japs who drink gallons of beer get inspired by it and now we shitpost it for the lulz.

The way some people can connect to the "creative information plane" always amazes me. They don't even realize what they are doing most of the times. Christmas lights touhou that is the literal anti-christ on a powerlevel scale but doesn't come out of her basement because if she destroys the world then no more sweets and plush toys and everyone will hate her. She only uses her full power when someone is "worthy" of it. [Embed]
Here a vid that just came out today. Coincidences huh