Sunflower 12/22/2022 (Thu) 00:34 Id: 2580da No.2342 del
It's been working well. First I just used it to siphon and transfer energy because I couldn't think of anything better. Worked fine for that but nothing special. Decided afterwards to try to use it as an advisor since you said it was meant for omnipotence and it works very well at that. When I'm stuck on an idea I ask it to help me and it starts beaming information/energy into my brain which causes me to have an epiphany a minute or two later.

Interesting note, it appears as a duck to me, and the first servitor I created was also a duck (haven't used it in years so it's probably dead/inert now). Don't know if I just have a subconscious thing for ducks or if there's a connection.