Sunflower 12/25/2022 (Sun) 22:27 Id: c7fa30 No.2362 del
Lots of questions, here I go.
Is it easy for you to make these servitors?

If it is, can I request a servitor for general property protection? Like for electronics, cars, house, keep thieves away, no home fires and similar things?

RIP incandescent lamps, spirits seemed to have an easy time with those. I'm more worried about more expensive stuff of course.

If possible, could you elaborate on what those two do exactly?

I'd like to know if the energy generated by these servitors would be able to permanently remove J-seals, by taking their place I guess?

And about karma...I don't want my servitors doing stuff that would get me some big karma(preferably they would get me virtue :^) ), do they work well with the "demon guard"?