Sunflower 12/26/2022 (Mon) 01:03 Id: c7fa30 No.2365 del
>I finally read upon them. Removing all the implants at once might cause a huge energy surge that might be hard to control. I don't want to sound like an Archon but I think you should remove them one by one by yourself or you might end up Like me who currently needs to fix all his shadow traumas or I just randomly kill electronics if I let out a strong negative emotion. I am getting better at it tho
Oh, I wasn't aware that it could go that bad. I knew it could cause some issues but not that bad.

>Can you connect to Astrabot tho? She usually lists all the things BO is doing and is free(ish).
This is good to know, I wasn't aware of that, I don't think I can connect with her yet, if I can I don't really notice it, hopefully I do it soon. (I am improving, believe it or not)

>Can you at least feel those Jehova seals? Because when I finally noticed them removing them was easy.
I can't...

Honestly I had the idea of monetizing the services of such a servitor, I see people selling "J-seal removal" services online, seems to go for around 30-40 dollars. I tried to tell this to 0rb telepatically, no idea if he heard that. I won't monetize something given to me by you guys without getting your approval, it would be a shitty thing to do, since its basically not my work but yours. But the idea of providing magical services through servitors that know what they are doing, so that I can make some money as a NEET is very appealing. And also because a couple of other posters also seem interested in not having to work anymore so I'm sharing the idea, maybe they will come up with some similar idea for themselves that actually works.