Sunflower 12/26/2022 (Mon) 01:12 Id: 5d1053 No.2366 del
>I see people selling "J-seal removal" services online
My personal opinion: If these are harmful things that were placed in the person against their will, you should remove them free of charge because it will improve the situation on our planet.

If you on the other hand provide practice sessions, spiritual guidance or divination, you can charge for those. Even if you are using Astra to perform the divination by channelling her, you are performing a work which has value to the person, but which doesn't necessarily lead to harm if you don't do it (like with implant removal). Withholding help could create karma, so it's not a good line of work to hold people hostage like this. I feel like this may be quack now that I heard that some charge for it. Maybe these J-seals are inserted by the same people who offer to remove them?