Sunflower 12/26/2022 (Mon) 20:13 Id: 9c0279 No.2374 del
Oh and one last things about the implants. When you remove them you need to make sure you can replicate it's "helpful" function. Most people are working on base instincts and on "Normie" patterns so they sometimes "need" these shitty implants to be a "functioning" member of humanity. These implants break easily and can be hijacked and a bunch of nasty shit but only works on those who already low on "free will". Currently I must "feel" what I am doing and cultivate a sort of "passive awareness" because my "active awareness" kinda overloads energy circuits. Energy goes where attention goes. But energy moves when you are not paying attention too. Can you feel them without disturbing them? This is my lesson now. Learning how to "enter the stream" without disturbing it and not getting washed away. Yes this is basic meditation but playing with forces is the most fun thing ever and I must get this notion out of my head.

Also I don't want to tell you how to earn money in this life but... As BO said most of them are charlatans or shitty "guides" because if they were good they wouldn't need "your" money. I only trust people who post their donation link max but don't actively beg for money. If they truly have power money shouldn't be "their issue". But then again "Being good with money" is a skill and a lesson too. The masters who were born in a "high life" leave it because it obstructs the path. Also money is a curse. IF you take money for a spiritual service then you need to make sure you are either backed by a powerful egregore or you have a pure spirit otherwise life might teach you some lessons. But then again we need those lessons to learn. Doing something wrong and learning from it is better than not learning anything at all. And you need a whole lot of charisma and confidence to be able to "sell" your services. Personally I distrust anyone who "sells out"
>b-b-but he sacrificed his whole life so he can teach you and save you
Sure he did
Hope he doesn't mind if I am cursing him with money if I find his "lessons" to be shit and weak. I don't complain with words. I just let out a distaste and a negative "review" with my feelings. Hope he doesn't mind angry spirits that are bound to the money and everything he could buy with that money... I mean I am actively working on not using this Saturnite skill of mine h-haha.

Honestly I just don't value money enough that it can buy "truth". But then again money is the god of most mundanes... and they need to "give away" "their god" so they can get a "new one". I hate money and how I still cannot live without it. Why am I posting this in the literal market thread tho. Am gonna stop.

Have a Reimu. Best touhou. Especially now that I know how her powers work. Silly yinyang orbs and ancient generational sacred land bound dharmachakras. Don't fuck with the daughterwife of the Hakurei god