12/28/2022 (Wed) 20:01
Id: 5d1053
Galactic Federation trivia
The galfed consists of ~ 60% reptilians, 20% fur-beast people, 10% humans and 10% others. Most of the reptilians belong to the astral side of the organization however, so it's more likely that you come across beast people. A few of those are lyran outlier, which means they have cat characteristics but they are not part of the large lyran AI system called Lyranet. Most federation members wear plain green military uniforms, with some variations. Beast people wear thinner fabric in a more sandy color tone because they don't need clothes to stay warm. Some special forces wear black or dark blue. Some women wear skirts, but most uniforms are unisex with long pants.
Galfed culture is currently very strong on Earth. It is perhaps best represented in what is considered typical 1970s culture with drugs, sex and communism. One element not communicated in this comparison is that the federation is ruled by a combination of business interests and communism. Food and housing is a "right" for all members, but the quality requirement is the lowest possible, and it comes with an agreement. Members must contribute to the federation in a way the different ruling boards decide is best. For those who only care about surviving with the least possible effort, or simply lack skills, this is usually a good deal. Refugees also get welcomed and tend to find this deal satisfactory.
For another segment of the federation, this is not enough, they want luxury. Seeking material wealth is perfectly fine, as long as you also contribute.
The galfed has no law, rather there is a code of conduct and policies. Copyright does not exist, so inventions have no market value. New technology is either kept secret and used to gain an advantage, or copied freely the instant it is made available.